Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Crusader Youth Camp 2011 15-17 week

And here we go 
Pack up the car with our belongings, our faith, our witness, and our sanity. Ok the latter will be left somewhere between home and cyc. Its 15 and up week
Climb in and join the fellowship! 
I will be adding new pics to this blog as the week goes on :) 

The arivial 

Calm before the storm :)

Code making his rounds

Me and Erin :) 

Ma signing in the campers

Leigh Ann :)

Blurry dad working on the sound system Johnny boy and DC


  Our preacher for the week
Sam Sumner 

Gods message is "To Desire Him" and " To be Uncompromised " "Are You Worshiping an Idol "
"You ARE Accountable For What You Have Heard!"

hahaha boo

Connor, Leia, Bailee, Erin

Katie and Katie, Abigail, Katelyn, Brookie, Leigh Ann

Devo time

It amazes me how God brings His message together.  Devo, class, and the church service all went together even without a meeting! Awesomeness thru obedience!
I love to see it amaze the girls too. It shows them that God is alive and He does care about their lives. Thank you God for this opportunity to serve 

Colt and Kasey


Sleeping beauty lol 
up all night with the girls
I caught a few winks :)

Ma and Katie

music class

dishes ugh lol




Rainy days we ride the campers across a huge field up to the tabernacle

Kristin the music teacher asked DC to teach the signs while she stepped out for a few. It was a cute gag on the campers You can see when Kristin comes back into the room DC ditches lol

This is ma's demo-of the minute to win it games to be played on thursday
Quite entertaining minute and the kids will love it.


ball girls hahaha those close to me will get this

ball players
ball girls and ball players :)

ball fans me and JT

 wranglers at work

 Brookie laughing at Katie
haha katie

lunch lady lol

 Staff table invaded by a few campers ( Adri, Jeffery and maybe Abby ) 
 Ma and Code

Wrangler  prank
Daulton wrapped Colt's jeep

 awesome worship



Generation U