Friday, August 26, 2011

The weekend Irene came to visit! August 26, 2011

For thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones is as a storm against the wall.

I thank you now, My friends who are helping the ones in need. You are the blessed and from you will pour blessings. 
The funniest thing happens when you bless a generation who doesn't deserve it
The generation under them see's the face of God in your actions. 
:) and know that years from now they too will bless a generation who wont deserve it 
But will share the face of God because of you 

Hello Irene 


She has all her bags packed and she doesn't want to stay at the Hilton lol
We have gone shopping and gathered all the food for her arrival party.
I will be adding to this blog as the weekend progresses :)
Keep NC in your prayers
This is company you hope changes her mind and cancels on ya lol


Out for just a lil bit
checking off the list :)
Home safe and sound

My list as instructed lol

PB&J mixed lol
cereal bars
(homemade- captain crunch and marshmallows)
board games
and family time
Got it all
Thanks love ya!

A quick ride as Irene quietly arrives

This big guy lives across the street
Made us all feel a lil safer
Mr. Gene Lupton:)

I loved this pic. The raindrops looked like you could ride them :)


Before the lights went out

After the lights went out lol 

Irene's here I think the worst will come when she puts her night dress on lol 
We wont sleep

I did upside down
I think I kicked JW out of it a time or two lol 
I do want my kids to climb it, find easter eggs around it
and take naps beneath it 

The dogwood was saved this time. She's leaning a good bit 
I know it seems silly but it was just a seedling when g'pa planted it
With so much gone from our lives we just thought the tree priceless! 

The worst 

Six people died in North Carolina as a result of Hurricane Irene; two in Pitt County and one each in Nash, Onslow, Sampson and Wayne counties. Three were killed in motor vehicle crashes, two were killed by falling trees, and one suffered a heart attack while preparing for the storm. We also had a couple confirmed tornadoes. 

This trailer donated to hold their possessions 

Crazy in the mist of the storm lol 

Grandpa's boots still working on DC's feet :)

Irene did not make her bed and made an incredible mess before she left 
She wont be invited back lol