Thursday, May 26, 2011

Fun in the sun

Our first official pool day! As for me nothing but basking in the sun and watching the kids enjoy the cool exhilarating crystal water. A day full of life long memories at best. Here are some pictures of my family at their fullest. Enjoying their eternity with the people who love them unconditionally. The definition of love is my family. 

My strong brother lol

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Update on my Family’s kick off to summer....

We are well under way with our kick off. Trips to the ball park, the beach, church, prom, Cabin Lake, and getting set up for Crusader Youth Camp. As always my family’s summer is better captured with enjoying the season we are in. We have had our annual BBQ chicken plate sale for the church it was a great day in God’s house and I love my church family. The youth have decided to sponsor a little chinese baby thru the Holt org. with the proceeds from our sale.This blessed our hearts as their leaders. I see God working in and threw our youth. Watching the youth mature in the Lord is a true blessing. Dc is getting ready to move away for the summer. He will be working Crusader Youth Camp as a Wrangler and the drummer in the praise band. I see God working graciously in his life too. Code is just Code he is enjoying the ball games. This is the highlight of his summers. He has added to his pitchers, this years is TJ House. Matt Myers is still on top if his pyramid. lol Ma and G are busy with Gods work as always. Church and the youth keep them both engaged in various activities lol Everyone knows when they get the chance you can find them watching a baseball game. Box 14 is now what they are calling their Ballpark ministry. They have a chance to minister to those who ordinarily wouldn’t take time to listen. hahaha Thats ma. She calls this back door ministry lol  
 As for me I’m still occupied with our ministry’s and being patient. This has been our update.... Thanks for reading until next time God bless you.

Dancing in “ A Parisian Garden”

Such a handsome young man. Daulton’s  prom Friday night was wonderful. On his arm a beautiful girl, Courtney. Also attending our cousin Adrianna with her date Josh. The morning had promise of makeup, hairspray perfume and cologne.  Adri ended up with a punk up do full of diamonds. So her age and my mini me lol   Daulton was in charge of touching up the truck and making sure his and Courtney’s Cinderella night was perfect. Watching the two of them made us look back on their yesterday’s. Daulton a little boy in his dads footsteps now looking like a man. Adrianna a little girl always in her ballet shoes now a young lady. I have to admit watching my younger brother living out his memories is a great gift that I am happy to have opened and enjoyed. I am truly blessed with my family. 

Adrianna and Josh

My favorite picture of the night.

Courtney helping Dc smile :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A day at the Neuse park

Ma, the boys, and I stopped by the neuse park yesterday evening. The boys enjoyed playing baseball of all things lol Code always finds the time no matter where we are.I'm really enjoying my family. We all took the time to walk down by the river it was a nice way to relax before a night of baseball.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Psalms 118:24

Ok thats what I was missing. I needed a devo. Thank you God for your word to me this day. Psalms 118:24 "This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it."  Ok ok ok I have heard this since I was lil. Its my ma's favorite to quote and when I read this it was in her voice lol   Ok heres what God brought me today----------As God gives us each day, asks us if we will rejoice in it, and leaves the choice to us. Wow thats a lot of responsibility on us hahaha. The outcome of each part of our lives comes down to a daily choice of attitude. If we choose joy and thankfulness, each day becomes a priceless treasure, If we remain focused on ourselves, our world will close in on us. My choice is to take up the once in a lifetime opportunity to enjoy the gift of today. I choose joy today! 
I am thankful for this day and what is in it. I am thankful for the blessings God has already granted, those He is in process of granting and those He will grant in our future.  I am thankful for this time He has granted me with my family.  I am thankful for His presence in our lives. I am thankful for my better attitude ;)  I am thankful for something I have heard my entire life as it is applied to my life. I choose joy this day! 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Winter Jam 2011


11th Hour Youth Ministries

To everyone who reads this my Parents and I  minster over the 11th hour youth group.This is our trip to Winter Jam 2011... We take our kids every year. Winter Jam is such a blessing, not just for the youth but we as leaders are touched by the awesome move of God. Souls are saved and lives are changed radically because of the obedience of the artists.  Youth are able to reach out in their own way and worship God with worth. This gives our youth the opportunity get real with GOD .... Thru their style of music, worship and fellowship. 
Here are some pictures of Winter Jam 2011 

An awesome night in praise and worship the testimonies alone let our kids know that they too can love and live for God 
not ashamed!