Monday, May 16, 2011

Psalms 118:24

Ok thats what I was missing. I needed a devo. Thank you God for your word to me this day. Psalms 118:24 "This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it."  Ok ok ok I have heard this since I was lil. Its my ma's favorite to quote and when I read this it was in her voice lol   Ok heres what God brought me today----------As God gives us each day, asks us if we will rejoice in it, and leaves the choice to us. Wow thats a lot of responsibility on us hahaha. The outcome of each part of our lives comes down to a daily choice of attitude. If we choose joy and thankfulness, each day becomes a priceless treasure, If we remain focused on ourselves, our world will close in on us. My choice is to take up the once in a lifetime opportunity to enjoy the gift of today. I choose joy today! 
I am thankful for this day and what is in it. I am thankful for the blessings God has already granted, those He is in process of granting and those He will grant in our future.  I am thankful for this time He has granted me with my family.  I am thankful for His presence in our lives. I am thankful for my better attitude ;)  I am thankful for something I have heard my entire life as it is applied to my life. I choose joy this day! 

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